100% of Funds Raised Provided to Those Undergoing Treatment for Cancer

Edgar Corbiere, Founder of Haying in the 30's
Born July 13, 1930 - Passed Away April 15, 2018
At the age of 69, founded Haying in the 30's Cancer Support Society.Born and raised in Mallaig and farmed all his life. Loved agriculture and history. In 1987, when his own family was dealing with cancer, he received help from the community and this was his way of giving back to the community and to people that gave him support when his family was in need.
Norm Theroux, Past President (2010-2012)
Has been a member since the start, 1999. Committee Chairperson for Parking, Teamster and Building. Vice President, 2 years (2008-2009).
Enjoys restoring old buildings and the country way of life.
Personal Thought: "I enjoy donating my time and efforts to this worthwhile organization,words cannot explain the feeling you get when you are able to help someone in need. Their appreciation is thanks enough".

10 Year Anniversary - August 2009
In appreciation for all they have done to help people dealing with cancer, Edgar and Cecile were honoured and presented with a plaque.

A log cabin front was constructed and placed on the top of the hill overlooking the grounds.
Commemorating the 10th Anniversary, the plaque has been installed in the door.

Diamond Jubilee - Prestigious Medal - August 4, 2012
Attending Haying in the 30's, Westlock-St. Paul MP Brian Storseth presented Edgar and Cecile with the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal in honour of the 60th Anniversary of Her Majesty's accession to the throne, honouring and recognizing
their significant contributions and achievements to the community.